Finally… a blog

For what feels like years of saying ‘I really should write a blog’ and ‘I don’t have time to curate material that would be interesting for others’, I have realised that at least once a week I search my mailbox, or previous support tickets to find something I have done in the past and need again.

For me, this blog should serve two purposes… Firstly as my aide memoir for things that might be useful in the future but also to attempt in some way to pay back to the community for the decades of advice/tips and help on fixing problems.

I don’t envisage this blog being a hive of activity but I’m hoping it will promote some good practice and if it helps just one person (other than me) like others have helped me its served its purpose well.

It must be noted that any content that appears on this blog is not at all representative of any company, partner, or other human-being other than myself. Any views held thus, are personal, and do not reflect anyone other than me.

For a bit of a ‘who is this guy?’ if you happened upon this by accident, please look at the About Me section.

Oh, and the title of the blog ‘It’s Kimpossible’ is not related at all to the Mickey Mouse Organisation character, but a play on words with Kim + (im/possible) to create either something that is impossible, but we’ll try anyway, or whether something is possible when we all try together.

I am firm believer from when a wise man I met in my late teens that told me that ‘nobody can do everything’ but ‘together we can all do something’, and that we should do something every day that scares us – except if it involves Hyper-V because that’s just cruel.

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