Nutanix Technology Champion Tech Summit 2024

I am beyond excited to confirm I will be heading across the pond to Nutanix HQ in San Jose, USA late October 24 to spend a few days with some of the brightest minds in the business (my fellow NTCs) and the Nutant leaders themselves who help make each day interesting. I’ve already sync’d with […]

Farewell my little EdgeRouter (pt2 – a stay of execution)

With the weekend maintenance window agreed, begrudgingly, by the internal customers at home I set about replacing the EdgeRouter we last visited on with my frankenrouter Futro S920 OPNsense. First of all, before pulling the connection down, I booted up the S920 with the power consumption monitor to see how things looked. Initially shocked […]

Nutanix Move 5.x – Files Sync & Migration

Nutanix Move 5.0 introduced a fantastic new feature that allows us to move away from handwriting robocopy/richcopy scripts to migrate data into Nutanix Files. Whilst it was possible to migrate natively with Nutanix Files using a Files Migration Plan it came with some limitations notably not supporting deduplication which could cause problems. I was thrilled […]

Farewell my little EdgeRouter

5+ years, two power supplies, and various configurations later the day has come to retire the little faithful EdgeRouter that has served this household well. With a near daily frequency of it just dropping the WAN interface until a reboot, the ‘Dad, the WiFi is down again!‘ cries from the internal customers has forced my […]

Patch Management Engine

Over the holiday break, I have been enrolling devices into our Remote Monitoring & Management (RMM) tooling and seeing what quick wins could be realised. One of the first things we do after installing the RMM agent across an environment is to allow the ‘Detect Only‘ patch management task to run. This task runs twice […]

SMB over QUIC – Utter genius

I recently discovered when deploying a new VM for a customer the mention of Azure Edition on Windows Server 2022 and at the time glossed over what it really meant, hotpatch, reducing reboots oh that’s neat. But no, I missed the absolute cracker that is SMB over QUIC, effectively a VPN for SMB letting folks […]

Nutanix X-Ray 4.3.3 release

(shamelessly ripped from Angelo / release notes and stashed here for a quick tweet link!) X-Ray 4.3.3 Release Announcement X-Ray 4.3.3 is now GA! This impact-packed release has 3 new tests, cluster power metrics, test improvements, G9 test data, and more. Highlights: New! Drive Failure and Data Rebuilt test: What better way to demonstrate AOS’s […]

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