Nutanix Technology Champion – Tech Connect Summit 2024 (Day 1 pt3)

Deepak Goel welcomes us into the ‘Nutanix Kubernetes Platform (NKP)‘ session. Deepak is ex D2iQ, with years of experience in this space with some very large and complex customers.

Deepak opened with a discussion around the Kubernetes Trends for 2024, some very interesting figures –

We hear the term ‘Platform Engineering‘ again as levelling up IT Infra Admins to make informed decisions and let the Developers focus on the things they need to focus on.

Future-Proof Your Application Architecture

Whilst legacy monolithic applications are simpler to understand (one big app) they are higher risk to make small or large changes to, and hard to scale beyond ‘making it bigger and hoping for the best’.

Adopting Microservices allows the breaking up of core application functionality into smaller logical blocks which allows for ease of horizontal scaling, and changes whilst reducing risk to the wider service.

With changes to modern architecture, comes risk and perceived complexity.

Nutanix Kubernetes Platform (NKP) increases capability and functionality solving the question of ‘I love NKE but I need xyz…The future of Kubernetes within Nutanix offerings is NKP.

At the same time, Nutanix still offers the ability to play well with other vendors too. Fully supporting the deployment of RedHat OpenShift on AOS/HCI or Nutanix as a single vendor integrated as a solution as Nutanix Kubernetes Platform (NKP).

OpenShift still has some advantages particularly in the Developer empowerment area, Nutanix has focused (for now) on the production operations of running the platform.

Nutanix Kubernetes Platform (NKP) leverages 100% Open Source components, increasing flexibility of choice, removing the need to manage each component individually whilst providing inclusive support across the stack. Nutanix contributes back into the upstream products.

Customers are protected in that Nutanix will triage and fix any security vulnerabilities within Nutanix Kubernetes Platform (NKP) whether they are fixed upstream in Open Source components, or fixed by Nutanix and contributed back to the upstream community.

NKP 2.12 provides an impressive, inclusive yet flexible

NKP management plane can be on prem or cloud hosted, managing EKS and AKS as well as on-prem Kubernetes.

The architecture of NKP lends itself very well to having your cake and eating it.

Flexibility of choice, letting the Developers develop in their particular environment (NKP, EKS, AKS etc) with familiar tools without worrying about the underlying platform.

Typical usecases:

  • DIY – built in a day, but hard to maintain later – DIY into NKP is a good conversation because it immediately adds value – cluster sprawl, lack of security, cost control, putting the genie back in the bottle.
  • OpenShift (or other) – single vendor attraction (Kubernetes Vendor, Storage Vendor, Compute Vendor)
  • Portability, Nutanix want to be the solution to providing organisations with the portability of workloads between on-prem and cloud – managing both.

Data Protection for Kubernetes

The evolution from stateless to stateful container services has created a need for backup and recovery of containers.

Nutanix have an answer utilising Velero, an opensource project to backup and migrate Kubernetes resources and persistent volumes.

NKP AI Navigator


Fixing a problem that Kubernetes does not have a good config management / version control of configs.

Predictive Analytics / NKP Insights

Adding value by integrating ‘known good practices‘ with NKP Insights to keep an eye on things and flag up emerging trends before they become issues.

Succeeding with Nutanix Kubernetes Platform

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